August Goals


In an effort to whip myself into shape, in an emotional, soul-searching sense (and not in the eat greek yogurt and start liking pilates sense) I have decided to do a monthly post of my goals. I'm not going to lie and pretend like I'm the self-reflective type. But it's useful and encouraging to track your progress. And hopefully, sharing our goals will hold us more accountable for accomplishing them.

1. Finish that Book. Read something inspiring that will set me in the right mindset to jump into this new project of mine. On the top of my list at the moment: Little Black Book by Otegha Uwagba and The Multi-Hyphen Method by Emma Gannon. 

2. Be Consistent. It's my plan to post new blog posts every Tuesday and Thursday. New Instagram and Pinterest updates every day. I'm trying to gain some momentum and work up to regular YouTube videos soon (something I've done in the past and really freaking enjoyed- who knew!)

3. Get into the Weeds. Really stretch myself to learn as much as I can about a new topic. I want to tackle Lightroom editing this month. Skills are transferable, and if they aren't at least your mindset is. Learning a new skill is a solid confidence booster and something you can take with you to the next project. 

4. Find the balance. I need to figure out my routine for blogging. I work full time but I want to make blogging a part of my daily routine. Carving out time for your hobbies and passions is a great way of investing in yourself and your longterm happiness. 

So what is it that you're trying to accomplish this month? Lets do this thing! 
