New Years Goals and Intentions for 2020

Happy New Year to all you lovely folks! I am writing this on the first day of 2020 and feeling an immense sense of optimism with this new beginning, heightened by the fact that it’s also a new decade and what feels like a new life cycle in some ways. Sure, nothing has really changed from 11:59pm yesterday, but it’s the symbolic significance that’s bringing a renewed sense of purpose to me today. Of course, I wanted to kick off this year’s first post with some goals and intentions for 2020 so let’s jump in.

After spending the end of last year in major reflection mode, I’ve whipped up a list of themes that I’d like to steer the course of the year. Some of hard number goals and others are more of intentions or things I’d like to be more mindful of throughout the year. Without going into too much detail, I thought I’d outline them here for those curious readers. Besides, I’m nosy and love to read things like this for my own inspiration.

Better Budgeting

Every year I have budgeting goals and every year I fail to make the dollar mark in my savings account and end up feeling defeated. This year I want to focus more on finding patterns in my spending habits so I can better understand how to make long-lasting changes. This means paying more attention to when and why I’m ordering too much takeout and instead plan a mental health day or a weekend with nothing to do - because yes, there is a connection there. There are a few others things I want to tackle financially, one of which is an upcoming trip to save for!

Clearing the Headspace

This year I really want to prioritize my mental and emotional health more. I have an amazing support system of loved ones surrounding me and I want to lean into them more when I need to. And as much as I hate to admit it I know that getting my body moving this year will really help to relieve some stress and anxiety. While I’m not going to force myself to join (yet another) yoga class I am going to prioritize walking/running/at-home exercises when I need to clear my mind. Most importantly, I want to do more of what brings me inner peace and mental clarity - carving out space for alone time and not feeling guilty about it.

Coat: ThredUP (similar) | Sweater: Thrifted (similar) | Pants: Everlane | Boots: Asos | Bag: Friday by JW Pei (similar)

Dream Bigger for the Blog

In 2019 I put a huge emphasis on my blog and creative work and I don’t plan on changing that. This year I want to continue doing what I’m doing but really hone in on my organization to be able to create and accomplish more. I am recommitting myself to my content schedule of 1 YouTube video, IGTV and 2 blog posts a week along with daily Instagram and Pinterest posts. It’s a ton of work and exhausting just writing that but last year taught me that it’s more than possible with an organized plan in place. I hope to share more about my process here on the blog too for those of you trying to do it all too!

So that’s all for this year’s goals and intentions, keeping it short and sweet before I bite off more than I can chew. I really love sharing my goal-setting and planning process with you all and it helps me stay on track too. Have you thought of any New Years intentions to set or are you going to just see where the year takes you? Both work just fine but if you have a big dream, a little planning goes a long way in making it come true.

Sending you all love and encouragement this season. Thanks so much for reading! xx Jessica



Photos by Jade Belmes