Small Ways To Reset

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As the novelty of our new normal starts to wear off, I find myself starting each week worrying about how much (or little) things will change by this time next week. But today I’ve made an effort to reset, to change things up and bring some fresh, positive energy into the start of my week. And what I’ve come to find is that the smallest changes can be the most effective, especially when all the self-improvement jargon starts to feels a bit cumbersome. So here are some small changes I’m making in my life to reset my day and my mind positively.

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Mindful Pours

This first one is inspired by Gina Stovall’s mesmerizing slow-motion coffee making videos that she’s dubbed mindful pours. I’ve started taking my time in the morning to make a fresh pour over or french press coffee, even going so far as to froth milk when I’m in the zone. It’s a small moment to slow down in the morning and practice some self care by making a delicious drink for yourself. And it puts me in the right mindset when I do finally sit down and get to work.

Dance It Out

If you’re waking up on the wrong side of the bed more often than you’d like to admit, try turning your day around with some upbeat music in the morning while you’re getting ready. I love seeing Leikha’s Friday morning dance videos on Instagram; they literally give me life and put a huge smile on my face. Honestly, just silly dancing a bit can be such a mood lifter, so find your weekly anthem, your guilty pleasure throwback song, and dance those low vibrations away. If you’re curious, my song for the week is this absolute banger.

Clear Your Space

This is about making your general environment as stress-free as possible. Start your morning by opening the blinds to let the light in, opening a window for fresh air and quickly tidying around your workspace. There’s nothing more distracting than sitting down (ideally at a desk but that’s not the case for me) and having to push stuff around to make room for your computer, coffee and notepad. Take a moment to clear your workspace of unnecessary clutter and anything that might pull your attention away from the task at hand. Tidying as you go is great in theory, until you’re using it as a procrastination tool so save yourself the time and do it outside of work hours.

Jot It Down

I saved this one for last because it’s admittedly not a small reset but it’s something I’ve only just started doing and am already enjoying immensely. There are many ways to go about journaling and it really just comes down to finding what you like. Whether you journal about your dreams or answer a creative writing prompt, it’s a good way to clear your mind a bit before getting focused on the tasks laid out for the day. I’ve personally started using the imagery in tarot cards to prompt my stream of consciousness style journaling. And this does not need to take a chunk of time out of your morning, just jotting down a sentence or two in your agenda or phone’s notes app can make a big difference!

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Do you have any ways that you reset your daily routine, working from home or otherwise? Let me know in the comments below! As always thank you so much for reading. I hope you’re staying safe and keeping a positive mindset. Remember that someone who cares about you is only a phone call, email, Facetime away when you need to talk. I know this time is hard for everyone but please know that we’re in this together. xx Jessica



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