A New Year Check List


Ready or not, a new year is upon us. I’ve been doing everything in my power to ease myself out of the holiday lull with minimal stress and get myself excited for the year ahead. If you’re someone like me who typically enjoys all the planning and goal setting that comes with a new year but you aren’t trying to set yourself up with unneeded pressure (we are in the middle of a pandemic after all) then keep reading. And if the thought of a new year resolutions sends shivers down your spine, then by all means don’t worry about it.

Mental health and wellness should always takes priority so whether planning is helping or hindering that, just do what brings you peace of mind right now. Today I’m sharing a few easy steps you can take to feel a little more motivated and prepared for the new year. Think of it as your New Year check list.


New Year Check List

  1. Jot down some intentions for the new year. Setting intentions is an important tool for visualizing positive changes you’d like to work towards during the year without giving you the pressure of achieving a measurable goal. These intentions can be helpful reminders to shift your perspective and refocus your attention when daily distractions start to weigh you down.

  2. Make yourself a vision board. I’ll admit I often tune out whenever I hear the word “vision board,” mainly because I hate the idea of committing to a collaging project. This year I’m taking a different approach and creating a digital vision board using good old Pinterest. If pinning is an activity that you do regularly anyways, why not use it to visualize (and manifest) your dream life?

  3. Start with a fresh template. If you use any type of spreadsheet for work, personal finances, etc, take a little bit of time now to create a fresh new template for the whole year. This is a fairly mindless activity that mostly consists of copying and pasting repeatedly so it’s easy to multitask with a podcast or tv show on in the background.

  4. Clear your workspace. If you don’t have the energy to deep clean your whole home right now (honestly, who does?) then at least commit to this one area. Work can be stressful enough without trying to sift through random papers, wires and empty mugs so make a point to clear all the unnecessary clutter at the start of your week.

  5. Pencil in important dates. Virtual meetings, errands you’ve been putting off, Zoom birthday parties, upcoming payments; do your brain a favor and make a note in your planner or digital calendar of every date you can think of. This greatly diminishes the odds of an unwelcome surprise and quiets that nagging feeling that you’re forgetting something. Oh and set reminders too!


H&M Sweater (similar 1,2,3) | Appointed Weekly Planner (1 & 2, similar)





Jessica Harumi New Year Check In Pin