My February Goals

Jessica Harumi My February Goals 1

I’ve been thinking a lot about goals lately and I thought today it might be fun to share a few of my goals and projects planned for the month. I’m very much inspired by Kate Spiers’ monthly goals posts and absolutely love reading them for a little glimpse into her life. I realize that these types of posts are more personal than informative but perhaps you too find inspiration in reading about others’ goals. And if these posts become a regular occurrence (as I hope they will) then maybe this could evolve into a place where we share our goals together as a way to cheer each other on and also hold ourselves accountable. So here we go, a roundup of some things I’m working towards in the grand ‘ole month of February. And I’d love to know what you have planned for yourself this month too, baby steps or life changing events, everything’s welcome!

Jessica Harumi My February Goals 2
Jessica Harumi My February Goals 3

Work On My Newsletter

I’ve been wanting to start a newsletter since about this time last year, if not longer. I subscribe to a few from my favorite bloggers and I always appreciate the fun monthly snapshots and musings. More recently I decided to cut back on my Youtube bi-weekly uploads so that I hopefully have more time to devote to projects like this! At the moment I don’t have a specific date in mind to “launch” the newsletter but hopefully it will happen this month or next. So if you like that type of thing and would want to see more of me in your inbox each month, you can sign up here to receive the first one!

Read A New Book (Or Two)

One of the personal goals I set for myself this year was to read 12 books. I know, that’s not much to some but I’ve really got out of the practice of reading regularly in the past few years and I’m determined to change that. Over the weekend I managed to read three (very quick) books which gave me the boost of confidence I needed to continue with my goal. This month I want to read something a bit longer and one book that’s been on my list for several years now is the classic Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Normally I’m not a huge fan of a personal finance book (so dry) but from what I understand Napoleon Hill wrote a lot about the power of mindful thinking which is a topic I really love reading about. If I manage to finish it before the month is over I’d like to read a Black literary classic from either James Baldwin or Zora Neale Hurston. And I started updating my Goodreads again after 5 long years, so let’s be friends there, eh?

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Esby Yates Sweater | Everlane Straight Leg Pants | Ana Luisa Cuidado Hoops | Monica Vinader Bracelet | Ana Luisa Rowena Bracelet

Finish My Bedroom Makeover

I’ve been working on my bedroom makeover for a few months now but I’m so excited to finally share it with you all this month! I’ve been able to partner with two dream brands on this too, which makes it all the more exciting. My bedroom is slowly becoming a place that I adore from floor to ceiling. Spending so much time here, as I now work in this space too, has actually been a really enjoyable experience. This project has also been the first time I can really hone in on my interior skills, from painting to picking out furniture and decorating, and make a room feel exactly how I envision it in my head. Interior design is a creative outlet that I feel very passionate about so being able to share this project on my platforms, and having brands trust me, is a little dream come true.

So that’s all I have planned for this month, apart from the more long-term goals and daily habits I’ve set for myself. Speaking of which, I just started using this Habit Tracker app again and I’m really liking it. Thought I’d mention that in case any of you are struggling to keep up with the day-to-day stuff as I currently am. I’d love to hear what you have planned for this short but sweet month. Let’s chat about goals big and small in the comments!





Jessica Harumi My February Goals Pin