My October Goals


Well, October has definitely snuck up on me and I find myself writing this post several days into the month. With the #ParisianStyle10x10 capsule wardrobe challenge wrapping up last week, I’ve shifted my attention to behind the scenes type work, photographing, filming and editing for upcoming collaborations. And I have to say, I’ve been enjoying my quiet desk days a lot more lately. I’ve also taken some time to work on more personal projects that exist outside of social media. It feels good to take some time to focus on other aspects of my life when I often get a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to my job.

Last Month In Review

Last month was pretty productive for me and I managed to make headway on all three of my September Goals, which is a great feeling. I shifted gears with my YouTube content to focus more on sustainable fashion and capsule wardrobes, rather than hopping around from subject to subject like I did during Vlogust. I’ve also just reached 7k subs which is very exciting indeed! As I mentioned last month, I’ve turned my attention to my financial goals, which I’ll talk more on below. As for Fall fashion, I really jumped in head first with the #ParisianStyle10x10 challenge and have fully embraced cold weather outfits! I’ve also slowly been decluttering (filming part of the process), parting with a few pieces through Poshmark and donating the rest. Fall cleaning, if you will. Now let’s crack on with October goals, shall we?


Take An Online Course

As I mentioned above, I’ve been focusing my attention on my financial goals lately. That’s what helped me decide to invest in a course that covers both finance and solopreneurship topics. While I’ve only just started, I’ve already got a lot out of it and have used that information to tweak my existing financial plans and focus on more long term goals. Taking this course has reminded me how important it is to continue to invest in yourself through lifelong learning.

Find My Creative Mojo

Over the past couple of months a lot of my focus has gone to my YouTube channel and Instagram, which means my blogging has dropped off a bit. I’m hoping to change that this month by returning to my weekly blog posts. And as you may have noticed, I’ve been sharing less lately as I’ve honestly just been a bit drained creatively. This month I’d like to get back to my regularly scheduled program and share more. Sometimes a break is needed and other times you just have to get back into the swing of things to get the ideas flowing again. Or at least that’s what I’m hoping!

Prep For The Holiday

To be perfectly honest with you, trying to plan for the holiday season in October gives me more anxiety than I’d like to admit. But that’s the realities of content creating and I’d much rather be ahead of things than behind. This year I’d like to do holiday content a bit differently and much more intentionally. I do love a good sustainable gift guide too. While I’ll be brainstorming some ideas, I’d love to get your feedback to see what kind of holiday content you benefit from most. Feel free to give me a shout in the comments on via Instagram DMs if you’d like to weigh in.

So there are my goals for October. It’s probably going to be a busy one for work but I’m looking forward to staying busy in this last stretch of the year. I’d love to hear about your own goals for the month. Drop them in the comments below!





Jessica Harumi My October Goals