My September Goals

Jessica Harumi My September Goals

Oh it’s the most exciting time of the year, that slow shift from Summer to Fall when the light is golden and the air gets a little more crisp. I love this time of year and it always fills me with that nostalgic back to school excitement, a feeling that never gets old in my opinion. Things are slowing down a bit for me after one of the busiest months I’ve experienced all year. I’m feeling a sense of accomplishment with Vlogust done and dusted and an exciting anticipation for what’s to come. And I’m finally in the right mindset to start making plans for the rest of the year. So let’s get to dreaming and scheming, shall we?

Last Month In Review

August was a doozy, with my first Vlogust taking up every waking moment of my life for 31 straight days. It was truly a challenge to juggle daily videos with other smaller projects. This meant that things were a bit scant on the blogging side but alas, some things needed to be put on pause for a while and I had to be alright with that. I also shared my Summer 30x30 capsule wardrobe each day of August over on Instagram, which was another fun series and a nice way to close out the season. I also managed to stick with my two other August goals, namely my new morning routine (waking up at 5am everyday!) and staying balanced. This was definitely born out of necessity what with juggling a fuller schedule, but it actually did wonders for managing stress levels and my mental health as a whole. I’ve often found this to be true for myself; if you’re struggle mentally, focus on the daily tasks, ie. waking up at a reasonable time, exercising, eating well and getting enough sleep. Sometimes it’s all you need to get out of your head and out of your own way. Now on a lighter note, let’s talk September goals!

Jessica Harumi My September Goals
Jessica Harumi My September Goals

Tradlands Cardigan (use code Jessica15 for 15% off) | Uniqlo Tee (similar 1, 2) | Everlane Pants | Nisolo Slides | Ana Luisa Venus Hoops

Shift Gears Creatively

One of the best parts about doing Vlogust was how much I learned about my YouTube channel, my audience and what I like to create. In all honesty, I’ve not been super satisfied with the growth of my channel over the past three years. It’s been very slow going and I was having a hard time coming to terms with why that was the case. But doing Vlogust has shed light on some hunches I’ve had for a while, about how I really need to double down on the subject matter that resonates with my audience most: sustainable fashion and capsule wardrobes. For me, creating on YouTube is much more labor intensive than say blogging or posting on social media, especially as someone who is not a natural in front of the camera. But I find it extremely rewarding and my video content is what I feel most proud of at the end of the day. So in an effort to best focus my efforts, I’m planning to shift gears with what I share on YouTube and focus more on what makes the biggest impact.

Focus on Finances

This month I’m excited to put a magnifying glass to my budget and really start making headway on this year’s financial goals. I’ve been so busy with the work side of things that I’ve neglected my poor budgeting spreadsheet so it’s in serious need of some updating. I’m also revisiting some goals I set for myself for the next six or so months and I’m ready to start making concrete plans towards them. For me it took becoming self-employed to finally get really serious about my finances and study them with more scrutiny. That has been a major theme of this year for me and as we wind down towards the holiday season, I want to put in that final push to ensure I reach those financial goals I set for myself.

Cull My Wardrobe For Fall

With a new season comes the quarterly closet rejig. I always look forward to the Summer to Fall closet change over because Fall fashion is the one for me! I can’t wait to be reunited with some of my favorite pieces that have been tucked away in storage for the past 6 months. This time around I plan to continue the wardrobe culling that I started over the summer. I plan to update my Poshmark with more pieces that I’ve been holding onto for a little too long without wearing. I just shared my Fall Capsule Wardrobe Planning video over on YouTube and of course I will share another video when I finally do the wardrobe switch out. Can you imagine a better way to spend an Autumnal afternoon than to cozy up with a latte and organize your wardrobe? Me either!

So those are my plans for September. Let me know if you’ve set any goals for yourself this month! Happy start of Fall to you all!





Jessica Harumi My September Goals.png