My May Goals


April was one of those busy months where the individual days went by so quickly and yet the month felt like it lasted forever. I can’t help but admit that I’m still collecting myself and trying to get back on track with my schedule after being busy with some fun projects. That said, the energy and momentum of April has got me riled up and ready to go this month. So in keeping with the format of this monthly blog post, today I’d like to share a quick recap of the last month and some new goals that I’ll be working towards over the next few weeks.

Last Month In Review

In April I managed to tick offeverything on the list, mostly because they were really plans rather than goals. One highlight was co-hosting the Parisian Style 10x10 capsule wardrobe challenge on Instagram with Bri Lamberson. I’ve talked quite a bit about it already on the blog but if you’re interested you can check out my outfit roundups here and here. I also celebrated my birthday and started on a new interior project. I’ll hopefully be sharing a little sneak peek at that later this month so be sure to keep an eye out if that’s your thing.


Update My Website

One thing that’s been on my to-do list all year is to update the shop page on my website. I’d like this page to reflect what’s actually in my wardrobe at the moment, sharing some of my favorite ethical and sustainable brands and the staple pieces that I’ve built my wardrobe around. In the meantime I’m slowly but surely updating my LTKIt page but I’m not always able to feature smaller sustainable brands there, hence the importance of a shop page in my opinion. I also plan to update my homeware page too which has been sorely neglected since 2020. I’m hoping that writing this here will hold me accountable to finally tick this off the to-do list this month.

Figure Out My New Gear

At the end of last month I made a very exciting purchase, which was a very generous birthday gift from my family! I added a new lens to my camera gear setup! Based off lots of online forums, reviews and your lovely suggestions over on Instagram, I decided to add the Canon 24-70mm f2.8 II lens to my collection. I added a zoom lens, mostly for my YouTube videos but I’ll no doubt be using it to shoot lots of blog photos and even a wedding next month too! This month I plan to get very familiar with my beloved new lens so I can use it in all its glory. And for those of you interested I also use a Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 50mm f1.4 lens, a small but mighty setup if you ask me!

Make A Financial Plan

I can’t believe 6 months have already passed by since I moved from San Diego back home to Atlanta. I mentioned previously that I had some financial goals that I was working towards while living back home, one of which I tackled in March (paying off my credit card debt!). Now I want to shift my focus and start saving money for my next steps, whatever those may be. I’ve never been great with money growing up but I’m really trying to change my mindset around it by setting clear financial goals to work towards each month. This month I plan to map out the next six months financially. I’ve had to learn the hard way just how important it is to have clear financial goals and a plan of action because 6 months comes and goes very quickly.

So those are my goals for the month of May. It always helps me so much to write it out here so I can keep myself accountable and remind myself of just how manageable it is with a clear plan of action. Have you set yourself any goals for the month? I’d love to hear about what you’re working towards in the comments below! As always, I hope you have a lovely month and make some traction on whatever it is that you’re working towards. Thanks for reading! xx Jessica





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