Why I'm Finally Considering a Capsule Wardrobe

The concept of a Capsule Wardrobe has been percolating in my brain for several years now but has never amounted to much. Only recently have I actually considered what one might look like for myself. I’ve also started to expand my understanding of the whole concept to be more personalized and less about the number of white tops I should own. A capsule wardrobe, like any other wardrobe should ultimately reflect the individual it belongs too. Here are a few arguments I’ve made in my mind in favor of this grand experiment.

My main goal is to really pinpoint my personal style. I have a pretty good idea of what it is (or what I want it to be) but I don’t exactly know how to get there. I also still need my wardrobe to function for me on a daily basis, which includes clothes for going to work, blogging, socializing and relaxing at home. Having a good base wardrobe will allow me to experiment more on a seasonal basis. I also think the concept suites my personal style already as I tend to gravitate towards more classic and minimal styles in neutral or pastel shades. Although if bright colors and patterns are your jam, who’s to say that doesn’t make for a solid capsule as well?

Another major plus side to this experiment is the opportunity to save some money and in turn, invest in nicer pieces. I’m not in a place financially where I can invest in a closet full of top notch stuff, especially when I like to experiment with trends. Hopefully, by limiting the number of things and the times in which I can add things into my wardrobe, I will be able to save money, some of which I will of course reinvest. This way, my investments will last longer and lower the cost per wear. And fingers crossed, I will never again have to give away something I only wore once 3 years ago.

A more abstract benefit of a capsule wardrobe is that it will allow me to live more intentionally. There is the obvious environmental benefit of creating less waste and contributing less to the fast fashion industry. But there’s also the mindfulness that comes with consuming more responsibly and really thinking about the things that I want to bring into my life- ideally things that bring me a lot of joy.

So there you have it, the long list of reasons why I can’t go another year without a capsule wardrobe. Now I just have to do it! And of course I will be blogging about the whole experience right here. Let me know in the comments if you are currently capsuling or if you’re considering it yourself and your thoughts on the subject. Thanks for reading!